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Dating Tips for Guys: Meeting a Woman Surrounded by Friends


A woman's friends are her velvet rope. Make a good impression and you'll be whisked inside the club; flub your approach and you'll be kicked to the curb. "If you charm a woman's friends, it's that much easier to impress her," says Susan Rabin, a dating coach and the author of Lucky in Love. First make them happy -- and then make her yours.

Read the Defense

Scan the room like Ben Roethlisberger. "Huddling behavior means they're closed to outsiders," says Dennie Hughes, a relationship expert and the author of Dateworthy. Your best bet is an outward-facing group or a line of women doing their own scanning. Aim for groups of three women or more, so no one ends up alone. "It doesn't matter how much a woman likes you," says Hughes, "if leaving with you means stranding her friend, you'll lose."

Make the Approach

The handshake and easy intro ("Hi, my name is . . .") works one-on-one, but you'll look like a politician if you greet an entire group that way. So make use of your surroundings. If the ladies are gathered near the pool table, visit the nearby jukebox. Take song requests or rack up at the table. Watch what they watch, and comment: "Nice mullet, eh?" or "Hey, I saw you checking out SportsCenter--you a Cubs fan?" Introductions will naturally follow.

Follow the Leader

The woman guiding the conversation is your "logical starting point," says Hughes. (If you begin with the shy woman on the periphery, her protective friends may close ranks.) Topics? Use the 30-day rule, from Phyllis Davis, author of E2: Using the Power of Ethics and Etiquette in American Business. Keep the conversation current: Bring up only events that have happened in the past month or will happen in the next. "It will make you more fascinating -- it's alive, it's interesting, and it's personal," says Davis.

Control the Flow

Indicate interest with body positioning, not come-ons. Subtly mirror her gestures: If she nods, you nod; if she laughs, you laugh. When you turn your head toward whoever is speaking, keep your shoulders square with hers. "This is subtle but effective," says Davis. Note which topics capture her attention, and guide the group toward anything she finds interesting. She likes Spanish cooking? Talk tapas.

Split Subtly

The finale is quiet, a tête-à-tête. Ask her to help you grab some drinks or pick songs at the jukebox. "That's when you make her blush," says April Masini, author of Date out of Your League. "If she likes you, she'll love that you spent time with her friends but ultimately chose her. You'll feel more confident, and she'll feel less pressure."

Source : Men's Health

Successful Dating Tips for Guys


Dating expert Ian Coburn offers five successful dating tips, and explains how this advice will improve your love life and help you achieve your relationship goals!

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain.

These successful dating tips for guys involve standing out from the crowd - not blending into the majority of people. The following is an excerpt from Coburn’s free ebook, The New Way to Date - 5 Simple Steps to Dating Bliss (the link to his website is at the end of this article). He also wrote God is a Woman: Dating Disasters; to learn more, click on the book cover - and read on for Coburn’s successful dating tips…

Failure to follow this advice for successful dating is why most people see dating as about as much fun as getting a root canal. Why do we follow stupid “rules” without question, such as waiting five days to call? I don’t, which is exactly why I enjoy dating and searching for “the one.” I simply follow these five successful dating tips, which anyone can follow.

Why do these dating tips work? The principal of effective dating is to stand out from the crowd. General consensus from experts is to do this by building interest (i.e. playing games). Don’t return a guy’s call. Wait five days to call her after getting her number. The result? Instead of enjoying each other, we agonize over every little aspect of meeting and dating. Instead of building interest to stand out, I build momentum. It’s much more fun and entirely liberating.

Here are my successful dating tips:

1. Don’t get a number, get a date. When you meet someone, ask her out to something related to the conversation (a favorite restaurant she mentioned, for example). This makes you memorable, shows you’re paying attention, and makes her feel obligated to return your call when you contact her to set the specifics. That return call gives you the opportunity to reconnect and almost always leads to a confirmation. If you’re a woman, guarantee the guy calls after getting your number by writing it down for hi,m then squeezing his hand and smiling as you give it to him. (Why don’t guys call after getting your number? Most of the time they feel they won’t be successful getting the date. Squeezing his hand is a successful dating tip because it assures him.)

2. Set the tone. Build momentum by being prepared-be on time, know where you’re going, have directions, don’t stop at the cash station after picking her up. People look for reasons not to date; don’t give her any. Women, keep the momentum going by not interrupting it-turn off your cell, don’t ask conversation stoppers like, “So, how come you’re still single?”

3. Be confident. No “I can’t believe you’re here with me,” or “I can’t believe you asked me out.” Both women and men rate confidence high on their list of desirable traits in the opposite sex. This successful dating tip won’t just help you achieve your relationship goals - it’ll help in all aspects of your life!

4. Kiss in the moment. Kissing is about emotion and feeling it in the moment. Make your move when you think you both feel it. Waiting till the end of the date builds anxiety, and doesn’t guarantee the moment will be right. Spontaneity and acting on impulse is a great tip for successful dating.

5. Set the next date on the current one. If things are going well, why wait? Do this through the first four dates, roughly. No anxiety about: Will there be a kiss? When will he call? Estimating when to call… Much more fun and you can actually focus on each other instead of your game; very refreshing!

For more info about dating expert Ian Coburn and his books, visit GodisaWoman.net.

Source : Quips and Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Top 10 Mistakes Guys Make When Trying To Get A Girl


Posted by Bill Cammack in DatingGenius, Lindz & Bill

B: Since Lindz and I got on the chicks about mistakes they make when trying to get a guy, it’s only fair that we let the fellaz know what THEY’RE doing wrong as well. :D

L = Lindsey Chen
B = Bill Cammack

1) Wearing the same clothes

B: No… I don’t mean rocking the same gear every day… I mean dressing up the same way as the guy next to you… and the guy next to him… and the guy next to him…….

See, unfortunately, everybody had the same idea you had and went to the mall and bought the exact same shirt. So… Instead of indicating that you’re aware of the fashion trends, you’re indicating that you’re a drone. You have no personal style. Everybody knows that when someone else dictates to you that you should wear something different, that’s what you’re gonna do. No good.

Figure out stuff that YOU like to wear and that YOU look good in and that represents who YOU are as a person, and make up your own style. Separate yourself from the pack. Be that ONE GUY that the chicks want to ask where you shop instead of knowing off the bat from the second you walk in the door with your pack of croanies that look exactly the same as you do.

L: Clothes not only define a person’s personality, but also makes them memorable. At least if you hit it off with a girl, she can remember you by “that guy that was wearing the red and white striped pants” instead of “that guy with the hair”

B: So Funny! :D That happens all the time! “Remember Lisa from Jon’s party?” “Jeans or Skirt?” “Skirt” “Black or Blue” “Black” “The one with the…” “Yeah, Her” “Yeah… What about her?” :D

2) Not having anything in common with her

B: Major Mistake. Major. Choosing a chick to be your girlfriend just because you enjoy hitting it. Is there any other reason TO choose a girlfriend? no. :D However, eventually, you’re going to get bored of tapping it for the gazillionth time, or she’s gonna get out of shape. In either case, you’ll suddenly experience an increase in the time you spend NOT having sex with her. This is where you’ll realize that you have nothing in common with her other than sex and start looking for your way out of the relationship (unless she gets back in shape, in which case, all bets are off! :D ).

Do yourself a favor and make sure you have things in common with your girl so that you can still have a good time with her during “the off season”. Maybe you both like video games. Maybe you both enjoy eating out @ the different restaurants in your town. Maybe you both enjoy watching MMA fights. If so… make sure she knows Jiu-Jitsu so you can kick her ass and she can take it…. um… or maybe she’ll kick YOUR ass for stepping to her sideways! :D

L: VERY TRUE! And like I said before, things in common that don’t count: breathing, eating, showering (and if it does, get the hell outta there), walking, etc… you get the point, right?

3) Bragging about what you have / own

B: The only reason a chick’s going to be impressed by what you own is if she doesn’t feel like she can get that for herself. This is fine, if you’re trying to get on for the One Night Stand, but really poor technique if you’re trying to pull a chick for a Long Term Relationship.

You don’t want a chick to chill with you so she can lamp on your yacht. You don’t want her to show up to parties with you because you’re about to sell your startup. You don’t want a chick befriending you because you’re internet famous and hooking up with you’s going to drastically improve her google ranking.

At the same time… How lame IS IT that when you have a chance to tell her about yourself as a person, the best things you can say for yourself are generic things that like a million other guys are doing every day? Everybody gets money. Everybody has a form of transportation… Even if that’s just a MetroCard. Tell chicks what makes you DIFFERENT from the other guys, not what makes you SIMILAR, and thus INTERCHANGEABLE with other guys.

L: Bill is absolutely right on this one. Talking about the stuff you have not only makes you sound conceited, but it makes her think that you are so boring you have to brag about yourself. And that’s going to attract one kind of girl: GOLD DIGGERS. If you’re OK with that, why not just walk around the street handing out $100 bills? Oh and let’s just say one day you get old, ugly, fat and there’s someone else out there more popular than you (and younger) - your chick is gonna head straight for that guy because there’s nothing substantial about you except your rank, which is shot to shit - and money - which is long gone spent on her. She needs a new sugar daddy.

4) Meeting chicks in bars

B: Do NOT meet chicks in bars. :( You know what kinds of chicks you meet in bars?….. Chicks that go to bars.

What’s the problem with that? Nothing, if you’re just trying to get on. If you’re looking for a girlfriend, choose one that does something CONSTRUCTIVE with her time. If she’s at the bar, tipping a glass back @ 3:30am, she’s NOT in the gym @ 7am staying in shape. Capisce? :D Go pick up chicks at the book store. That way, you know she’ll probably be READING in the middle of the night while you’re studying for your law degree instead of drinking her ass off at some bar and giving it up to the next man. :D

L: yeah, girls that meet guys at bars are classy. real classy. Let me tell you, fellow - you got yourself a real winner there. Just don’t be crying to me when your beer goggles fade away and you got yourself a coyote ugly the next morning.

5) Not checking out her moms

B: The FIRST THING you want to do if you’re considering keeping a chick is check out her moms! :D

If you see your [pending] girlfriend’s mother, and she’s still fine as hell, and you’re like “If I weren’t dating her daughter, she could GET IT!”, then she probably passed those good genes to your girl and you can look forward to another 25 years of feeling like plastering that. Also, if your girl’s moms is COOL AS HELL, like you wouldn’t be surprised to see her with her hand up in the air at a club, shakin’ her groove thang, you know she probably brought her daughter up to be cool also.

Just don’t overdo it on the moms thing, or you might end up on The Maury Show. :D

L: Totally, looks wise, definitely look at the mom. She may look good now… but you can never tell what she’ll look like when she’s older and her mom is that insight to the future.

6) Lame pickup lines

L: If you have to resort to using lame pickup lines, then congratulations, you’re a huge DOUCHEBAG and I hope you feel good about yourself. You’re the guy that the girl talk about when they hang out with their friends. “Remember that lame douchebag from the bar? yeah, he used a pickup line on me. He’s such a loser. I’m telling all my friends” (oops, you’re screwed!).

I think my favorite pick up line is, “Hey, have you met my friend *Ted.” Pause. Me thinking, “How the hell would I have met your lame friend. If I knew him, I would say hi to him, right?” Then response, “Uh, no you’re lame. Bye”.

B: hehehe Yeah, if you’re going to use lines, make sure they’re over the top. Go Big or Go Home! :D Make them so bad that she has to laugh at how corny your line was and gives you humor points instead of subtracting cool points.

7) Buying an incessant amount of drinks for the girl

L: This says 1 thing. One - I am so ugly that I have to get this girl shitfaced so she thinks I look hot then maybe I’ll have a chance to get in her pants. She’s thinking - wow this guy thinks I’m going to hook up with him after he’s buying me all these drinks. I know he’s just trying to make me think he looks good. Too late, I already saw what he looks like.

Girls don’t like guys who they think are desperate and they can easily obtain. Girls like a chase. They like someone who won’t buy them drinks all the time and who will maybe insinuate that they get a drink or two bought for them. This isn’t bad manners, it’s fair and not so out of the blue anymore. It’s the 21st century - let the girls take charge sometime.

B: Oh Man! hahaha Let this be a lesson to you, fellaz! Only buy a lot of drinks for…. girls that have already consumed a lot of drinks!!! :D (lol @ “too late… I already saw what he looks like”, hahahaha)

As far as getting her to buy you drinks, that’s probably a good policy if you intend to date her long-term. If she can’t buy you a $5 beer, that means she’s BROKE. If she’s broke NOW, she’s going to be EVEN MORE BROKE in the future as cost-of-living increases faster than the minimum wage. She’s gonna be EVEN STILL MORE BROKE if you don’t keep your condom game tight and she has a kid offa you. :(

So… Yeah… Get her to get you a drink every now and then so you can check if “Sisters are doin’ it for themselves”! :D

8) Being rude to her friends

L: Boy, this one is a no-brainer. If the girl is on the fence over whether she likes you or not, she’s going to immediately consult her group of close girl friends. If you’re rude to them, they will sway her in the direction out of your favor and you’re history. This is why: You’re too new to the girl for her to believe you over her friends. You’re not someone she can completely trust yet, so your good intentions to her will be quickly overlooked if her friend says, “wow that guy is a jerk. Guess what he said to me.”

In some cases you may have not even been rude, you just gave off a bad vibe and immediately her friend say to her, “Stay away, I have a bad feeling.” In most (not all) cases, the girl will completely dismiss you even though you haven’t been that bad to her. Why? Who know, but it happens. Chicks before dicks.

B: hahahaha OMG! Lindz has an excellent point here. This is why you want to make sure to steer clear of ALL of a chick’s friends….. until you Tap That Azzzz! :D

After that, you can do what you want… be rude to her friends… kick it to her sister… Her judgement will be completely JACKED since you’re now “the one” and can do no wrong! :D

9) Talking about previous relationships

L: The last thing a girl wants to hear is about your last ex and how you were in love with her but she broke your heart - or whatever the situation is. She’s trying to get to know YOU, not your ex. Plus, bringing up previous flames will ignite more and more questions. Why did she break up with you. Is he comparing me to her? How do I compare?

You’ll want to talk about yourself and leave out anything involving other girls when you first meet her - even if the girl is strictly platonic. Just to make sure you avoid jealousy. Plus, bad mouthing other girls and exes in front of the new girl gives an insight onto the kind of person you are. It’s like an interview - you never badmouth your old boss, no matter what kind of a jerk he was!

B: Absolutely. It’s not about the past. It’s about the present and the future. Like she said, you can’t win by talking your ex UP or talking your ex DOWN, so leave her out, entirely. :D If your new chick is just crazy nosey (or just crazy) and insists on hearing what happened to your ex, have a good story prepared… Something like your ex girl, whom you met in a bar, overdid it with the drinking one night and accidentally stumbled into a recruitment station and signed up for a 20-year bid with the Army……. in Zimbabwe.

10) Not keeping your word

L: If you meet a girl for the first time and get her number and say you’re gonna call, then don’t, then forget any sort of future chances with her. If you can’t even keep your word on calling her, then how do you expect her to think you’ll keep your word on the first day and not stand her up. First impressions are a huge deal breaker so make sure you are up front and honest with her. If you take her number and can’t get together for 2 weeks, at least call her to let her know you enjoyed meeting her.

B: This is another good reason not to meet women in bars. Depending on how much YOU drank that night, word or no word, hahaha you might not remember meeting her AT ALL!!! :D coughanniecough But yeah, there are a lot of guys that see getting numbers as an END and not a MEANS. It’s more like “just in case” rather than an actual intention to call the chick, because you probably got numbers the day before and the weekend before that as well. Asking for a gal’s number doesn’t push her to the head of the list to get a call, but if you SAID you were going to get in touch with her, you really should make some attempt to reach out to her. The most important aspect of ANY relationship is TRUST. If you blow your credibility, you’re toast.

The way around this is to make sure you TRADE NUMBERS instead of just getting HER number. That way, you easily counter “You didn’t call me! :( ” with “YOU didn’t call ME! :D “

Source : Bill Cammack.com

Dating Tips for Guys - What Smart Guys Know About Attracting Women


By Grant Day

“The universe is an intelligence test” – Timothy Leary

*Smart men know that women are more socialized than men. They know polite conversation comes easily to many women and don’t confuse it with a woman who’s really flirting (they know a woman who’s really flirting will lean towards the man with her body, tilt her head to the side while listening and speaking to him, and will touch him to emphasize a point she’s making).

*Lame Asses think any woman who pays them any friendly attention is flirting.

*Smart men know that success in flirting and dating is a numbers game. You’ve got to get out there and practice to succeed.

*Lame Asses pine away for that one special woman – all the while building absolutely no skills what-so-ever to deal with her when the chance comes.

*Smart men know that women still expect men to make the first approach once the woman’s given them the signal.

*Lame Asses waste their energy being angry that women won’t approach them.

*Smart men who have a great time dancing with a woman at a club don’t cling to her the whole night. He knows less is more and knows it’s better to walk away and join his friends for awhile before dancing with her again.

*Lame Asses dance one great dance with a girl at a club and then think she’s his.

*Smart men know that women love to dance and love to show off their moves to men with their girlfriends – he waits for an obvious signal before cutting in.

*Lame Asses think that any woman dancing with her friends is fair game and barges in to dance with her without the woman giving any signal that she’s interested.

*Smart men know you never become best friends with a woman you’re enamored of.

*Lame asses believe they can “friend” their way to a woman’s heart by just “being there” enough for her.

*Smart men know how to listen to a woman rather than just talk at a woman about themselves.

*Lame asses spend so much time in their own head’s that when they finally do get a chance to speak to a woman they desire – they bore her to death with “me-me-me”.

*Smart men know that talking too much about the money they earn, or bragging about accomplishments, tends to attract women who only care about money and success.

*Lame Asses think the more they list off their accomplishments to a woman the more impressed she’ll be.

*Smart men do what they say they’re going to do, but don’t promise too much.

*Lame Asses let the world overwhelm them and forget where and when they said they’d be places.

*Smart men keep a bit of mystery going with a woman.

*Lame Asses spill their emotional guts to a woman in the first fifteen minutes of knowing them

*Smart men know how to relay their sexual interest without being heavy handed about it (i.e. he puts his hand on the small of her back while following her to the table at dinner, touches his knee to hers under the table). A woman is not only expecting the good night kiss at the end of the date, she’s waiting for it.

*Lame asses are embarrassed by their sexual desire for a woman so they don’t clue in a woman to it at all – until they try and jump on her for a kiss at the end of the night.

*Smart men know the approach to the first kiss is important…best to be slow and smooth.

*A lame ass is so desperate to kiss the woman he shoves his tongue down her throat at the first opportunity.

*Smart men know that the more attractive, intelligent and popular a woman is the more she expects from the men she dates.

*Lame asses are sure that the porn actress on the screen (at home on video) would give him a chance if they were together in the right place and time and she really knew him. He also believes the same about the hot waitress at the local bar, the receptionist at his Doctor’s office, and his best friend’s sister.

*Smart men know there are many diamonds in the rough out there in the female dating pool if you’ll just keep your eyes open and have some imagination.

*Lame asses expect the women they date to be as buffed and polished as the actresses and models they see on T.V.

*Smart men know that for a great sex life both partners need to be in touch with their sexuality and ready to explore.

*Lame Asses think the “good girl” they married will suddenly bloom into a wildcat in the bedroom on the wedding night.

*Smart men know learning everything you know about sex from porn isn’t learning anything…they know porn isn’t really sex, porn is sex acted out in ways to appeal to and turn on men – not most women. Smart men know if you want to really learn about sex you’ll read as many different articles and books as you can get your hands on.

*Lame Asses base their entire knowledge of sex on porn videos and magazines.

*Smart men know that the more you know how to turn on a woman the more she’ll want to have sex.

*Lame asses are ready to blame everything else for a woman’s disinterest in sex rather than facing the fact that their own skills may be lacking.

*Smart men know that some women need to be asked many times (and even cajoled a bit) before they’re really be honest about their sexual needs and desires.

*Lame asses don’t think to ask a woman what she wants and needs sexually.

*Smart men know that no matter how many men’s magazines tell you that doggy-style is a woman’s favorite position it rarely is – so you’d better ask (and if it is you’d better be prepared to have your hand stimulating her clit in order for her to really enjoy herself).

*Lame asses are sure real women would love sex they way they do it in porn films if they’d just learn to relax and enjoy it.

Source : Seduction Insider

Dating Tips for Guys - What Guys Need to Know About Dating


By: Michael Lee

According to some women’s observations, most men are either too arrogant or too shy. The arrogant tend to believe that dating tips for men are not needed for their "portfolio," while the shy are too timid to even want to ask about dating tips for men who are not so sure of themselves.

Men are less likely to share their feelings, according to clinicians. According to some women’s observations, most men are either too arrogant or too shy. The arrogant tend to believe that dating tips for guys are not needed for their "portfolio," while the shy are too timid to even ask about dating tips for guys who are not so sure of themselves.

It’s a great thing that the Internet is filled with information about this topic! A shy guy can just Google up some keywords and learn how to drum up the courage to get a date!

Dating tips for guys are not the equivalent of brain surgery. They can be summed up in three points:
  • Learn to believe in yourself
  • Understand that women lose confidence in themselves too, and they might have preferences
  • "Keeping it real" is the best way to go.
Learning to believe in yourself is no smooth road. Everyone has to be contented with less than perfect lives; and in the course of growing up, you may have received criticism and disparaging remarks that undermined your self esteem. However, this is no reason to go on being timid and feeling worthless.

Believing in yourself is a matter of realizing that you have something of worth to offer, no matter how seemingly small. If you know how to make your mother laugh, that is already an asset in itself. If you can pick the prettiest flowers and astound your sister or female friends with your choices, that is already something phenomenal to start with.

Learn to find what you can offer to the world, and build your confidence upon the knowledge that you are of worth; and it’s not just limited to that one thing you can do excellently. This is one of the best dating tips for guys to be successful with women.

Understanding that women have shaky self-esteem also works wonders because it would make you realize that they are not like Catwoman who is ready to take a whip to "lesser men" any day.

Women, in fact, have shakier self-esteem than men, and they crave to be found beautiful. Understand that when a woman rejects you, she’s just looking for a certain kind of person. It does not mean that you are worthless or that you will never find your special someone. There would always be a girl out there who would like you.

One great dating tip for guys who are often rejected is to just keep looking for the woman who would love and accept you, and one day you would succeed. The breakup line "It’s not you, it’s me," truly means exactly what it says: these women are really looking for certain qualities in men that they do not find in those they rejected.

Lastly, keeping things real (meaning being a man of integrity) is the best way to go. When you understand that masks are just not attractive, and you put forth who you truly are (warts, bad dancing moves and all), a woman will appreciate you more. Honesty and integrity are far more important than shiny shoes, or the newest Armani line from clothes to cologne.

Integrity means being true to yourself wherever you are, even when no one is looking. That is far more important than smelling good will ever be.

Dating tips for guys are not all about dominating, controlling and getting a woman into bed to feed your ego. Let’s face it, at the end of the day, would you rather have a string of broken hearts, or that one great love to last you a lifetime? You decide.

Source : Buzzle.com

Wow the Ladies: Five Great Dating Tips for Guys


Young men and newly single men feel left alone when it comes to the opposite sex. Women are so confusing! If you make a move on a girl that you consider as romantic and gallant, you may walk away disappointed. She rebuffed you and you’ve got no idea what you did wrong. It’s true; men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Although you feel that you presented a Prince Charming image, the girl of your dreams doesn’t agree at all. Why do you ask? Here are five great dating tips for guys that will help you to improve your chances.

It is necessary to understand women have heard all the standard lines. Give your woman some credit. The “Haven’t I met you before?” approach is vacuous, at best. If you consider here worth your time use a little bit more imagination on the first sentence. Hoping to gain her attention is good but approach her with something more personal, yet not intrusive.

For example, you spot a stunning girl at the stadium. Leave your friends behind. They won’t be of any help. “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help noticing your T-shirt. I’m a passionate fan of the Lakers and have some tickets for the game on Friday. Would you be interested?” She’ll be flattered that you noticed her and will at least be willing to keep up the conversation.

Number two on our list of dating tips for men seeking a real relationship: personal hygiene is King. Women like their homes and their men clean. If you think a shower and a shave once a week is OK, think again. Women judge a book by its cover so to say before making a final assessment of your date-worthiness. If you think that the image of a macho man includes smell – trust me – you’re wrong. Wash up, shave and use a little bit of cologne to present a loveable persona.

Now, our list of dating tips for men gets down to the nitty-gritty. Treat your woman with respect. Unbelievable nowadays but there are still some men out there who treat women as airheads, considered incapable of seeing through their manipulations. Don’t follow that pattern if it’s your intention to have a steady date! Find out what her interests are and cultivate an interest that shows you care.

The fourth rule of our dating tips for men requires sincerity. Women can see through insincerity within a heartbeat. If you’re honestly interested in this woman, show it. Lip service won’t do. If she loves theatre, take her to the off-Broadway production. If you enjoy yourself as well, you’ve got a match.

So far, our dating tips for men were focused on persuading your date. The fifth and absolute rule is honesty. Honesty is the key to a woman’s heart.

The essence of dating tips for men is this: don’t pretend to be someone, be yourself. If your hygiene is poor, improve that part of your game. Don’t rely on slick, old and inflationary used lines. Express your interest genuinely. Follow those tips and you will have a date.

Source : Dating Sites Reviewed

Dating Tips for Guys - What to Do If You're Not Her Type


Admit it...

A woman letting a man know he's not her type is so common it's almost cliché.

...and when it happens to you - it sucks. It can feel like you've hit a brick wall.

But, honest to God, there are some men who revel in women barking at them with, "You're not my type."

It puts a big grin on their face because...

They possess the secret to mutating this comment from a woman into massive attraction inside her body.

I should know. I'm one of these men.

In a minute I'm gonna let you in on this secret method that less than 98.4% of the male population knows about, giving you an unfair advantage over others. It works so well it's almost embarrassing.

But first I want to share a story with you a guy sent into me...

"Hi Swinggcat, I have a question about something that happened to my friend while he initiated a chat with a woman inside a bus. She might have been in a slightly bad mood or tired as she answered his questions in a disinterested way and within two minutes of the chat she rejected him to his face saying 'you are too young for me'. I was just wondering if there are dating tips for guys for these kinds of situation in your book where it is possible to turn a rejection into attraction. Plz reply asap."

- K from NY

All I have to say is: Déjà vu. This reminds me of the same problem I used to have. Everything would be going fine until the women inevitably sneered, "How old are you, twelve?"

I wasn't annoyed; I was seething with frustration.

I even had one woman ask me for age verification before we... well, that's a story I'll save for another day.

But, my friend, the pendulum has swung the other way: Many women I meet think I'm a modest decade their senior.

Maybe it's age beginning to march across my face or too many sleepless nights?


Whether a woman thinks I'm too young or too old for her doesn't matter to me one bit because...

Years ago a friend of mine taught me a few short words that not only circumvent the objection but also... generate massive attraction inside women.

He was in his mid thirties yet had a penchant for really young girls: We're talkin' late teens to early twenties.

But as soon as he started flirting with a girl she'd chirp, "Dude, how old are you? You must be my dad's age."

So he racked his brain and came up with something that's not only pure genius but also... fall-on-the-floor hilarious.

If a twenty-one year old girl objected to his age, he'd say...

"Did you know girls age faster than guys? Take models, for example. They peak at like seventeen. By the time they're nineteen they've passed their prime. They're middle aged. You're twenty-one, making you sixty-three in girl years."

When a woman told me that I was too young for her, I'd say this exact line but add...

"You're practically a senior citizen... Don't take this the wrong way but I'm an active guy and don't think you could handle me with your cane and all... I should introduce you to my grandmother, I think she's more your speed."

Do you know why this generates attraction in 90.2% of women?

Here's a quick explanation...

When a woman says, "You're too young (or old) for me," she's establishing the underlying meaning of your interaction with her as her being the Prize you're trying to win over.

This underlying meaning is what I call the "Meta-Frame."

But... when you respond to her with the line above, it proverbially picks her up by the nape of her neck and sucks her into your Meta-Frame that you're the Prize she's trying to win over.

Doing this is what I call an "Attraction Coup."

There's a structure to the Attraction Coup. Master the structure and you can mutate any negative response or objection a woman flings your way into heaps of attraction inside her.

I'll tell you where you can get your hands on this step-by-step structure in a minute.

Maybe, though, you're worrying, "If I use this line she'll walk away and think to herself: "Thank God that creep wasn't interested in me."?

Most of the time this isn't the case because...

Women want you to desire them - even if they aren't initially attracted to you.

Fact is... When you goad a woman into trying to convince you that she's desirable, you establish the Meta-Frame that you're the Prize she's trying to win over.

I have, for example, had many experiences where women told me they weren't interested.

But then I'd let them know they fell an inch short of what I look for in a woman... and, therefore, would never go for them.

As a result, they'd struggle for my validation and approval... and, then, it would hit them like a scolding hot frying pan across the forehead: They felt attraction for me.

I've had many of my students email me with similar experiences.

But there's another part, a very important part that makes this effective...

And what I'm about to suggest is very advanced...

Whenever a woman feels even a smidgen of attraction for you...

And you point out all of the reasons why the two of you make a bad match... the attraction she feels exponentially increases.

It's like putting a super-powered magnifying glass on that spec of attraction she feels toward you and transforming it into uncontrollable lust.

Go out and try this line. You'll be quite pleased, my friend, with the results.

But the reality is...

If you've spent time in the singles scene trenches, you've probably noticed women putting up other objections such as: height, weight, education, social status... and the list goes on.

"How do I respond?" you might wonder.

You could memorize an attraction coup to every objection a woman has. And inside my audio course you'll get dozens of word-for-word Attraction Coups.

But in all honesty...

There are so many objections women throw at men that having a canned response to each one is a challenge a few hairs shy of impossible.

Plus... memorizing a warehouse full of lines is a lot of work. With a fraction of the effort you'd put into memorizing all of these canned responses, you could have at least one new woman in your life.

But then, Swinggcat, the problem still remains...

How do you handle objections flying out of left field?

Why are some guys able to effortlessly transform any objection a woman throws at them into attraction?

I used to wonder this myself. And I have a confession to make...

I was so jealous of guys who had the wit to mutate any objection or negative response into attraction.

When I asked them how they came up with witty responses so quickly they'd shrug their shoulders and stare at me vacantly because...

It was unconscious. They had no conscious understanding of what they did.

For a long time I thought it was an impossible skill to learn. You were either born with wit or not.

But then it all changed when I discovered...

Learnable and repeatable dating tips for guys anyone can master.

You might have all the confidence in the world. Maybe you can skillfully approach dozens of women in a single night.

But if you can't handle women's objections - and you'll inevitably get them - your chances of success with women are grim.

Whether you take the time to learn the Attraction Coup structure or not, doesn't affect my life one bit.

The few of us who know this structure will continue to turn objections into heaps of attraction, allowing us to enjoy truckloads of success with women.

The question is: Are you ready to change your life by learning this structure?

Can you imagine what it would be like to mutate any negative response you get from a woman into massive attraction?

How would that affect your life?

If you're ready to step up to the plate by treating yourself to a huge life style change, then get your hands on my course where you learn the ins-and-outs, master every nook and cranny, of the attraction coup...

If you haven't yet picked up a copy of my ebook do so by clicking here. It's the foundation for everything I teach.

Your Loyal Dating Coach,


Source : SoSuave.com

Dating Tips for Guys - How to Start and Keep Conversation With Women


It is not only men who crave sex. Women equally are desirous of it. You only have to know how to tap such an opportunity. The first conversation is a very delicate occasion and should be managed well if you want more such interactions with her. If you don’t plan the first date you may lose her forever. Below are 10 dating tips for guys which will help you attract woman no matter where you are.

Initiate conversation with EVERY woman
To deal with women what you need are just the basic social skills. This is a must for each one of you. Try to initiate a conversation with as many new people as possible without being biased about anybody. Every day I am sure you must be having opportunities to start a conversation. Utilize each one of these and then you will it very easy to start conversations with women. But it is good to speak interesting. If possible speak something that will make the other person happy or laugh. Try at least 5 conversations with people whom you don’t know for around 3 months and you will soon overcome fear of talking who is a stranger to you.

Visit places where you can find women
Most guys have such a routine in their life wherein they do not come across much woman. And yet they crib about being lonely. Hence it is necessary that you should take out time once in a while to visit places where you have many opportunities to approach an attractive woman. The best places are a coffee shop in a commercial area, restaurant with woman staff or a popular shopping mall. When you visit these place you will have a lot more chances of improving your skills at approaching women.

Don’t hesitate to go out alone
Many men want a company when they visit bars or clubs only because they feel that if they are lonely they will be judged as a loser or an introvert. But people I have known till date and who have been successful with woman have been those who go out alone. My advise hence is that, this weekend try out going alone to a club – not to watch women, but just to become aware that even if you are alone no one notices that. This will help you shun your prejudice against going out alone.

Overcome you fear and inhibitions
All men, including very attractive ones, have a lot of fears when they approach a woman. Some of these are fear f being not accepted, fear of being disliked, fear to make the first touch. These aren’t unique to you but it is generic for all. And it is possible for you to control them if you desire to do so. For this don’t give too much importance to a single instance or start thinking about the long term scene when you are just beginning. Yes you may be rejected a few times, but in the process you are improving your skill and one day you will surely be successful with women.

Avoid the “Negative Trap”
What is usual reaction of men when they see a hot woman? They start thinking negative. They just become stupefied or start thinking ways not to approach her. They either start thinking about what compliment to give her, or they think her being single as an impossibility or fear that she might react unfavorably towards them. Worse, some might even consider themselves not to be worthy of the woman. Keep away from traps, because once you enter them you will build a negative aura around you which will keep on increasing with time. So don’t think much about how to start a conversation – just be normal and keep it simple.

Adhere to the tips about how to start talking
The moment you see an attractive girl in which you are interested, which you’d like to seduce – approach her within 3 seconds. Any delay more than this and you will never have the guts to approach and talk to her. Say something rather than just being silent. At worst what can happen is that she will reject you. But that will not be the end of the world to you. There will be other girls whom you can approach. So every opportunity has something from which you can learn. Keep in mind these points and just chat up with whomever you find hot.

Glide smoothly through the first moments of conversation
Most men are unaware of the fact that it is woman’s persona that needs to be handled when you are talking to her for the very first time. A woman will be always seek to block any thing from you and gain a control over the whole matter. What she wants least is things to hot up between you which she fears that might degrade her in your opinion. Even though she might find you irresistible, she will show the exact opposite and show a distaste for you. Some women become jittery when in the company of a guy whom they like. So don’t read too much into any of these indications. Patience and perseverance are two virtues you should have in ample amount in this regard.

Discover her unconventional persona
Every woman has a side that is little crazy and absolutely not expected of her. What you need to do is discover her “crazy” part of personality and then address that part. Tease her or give her nick names which wil make her realize that she can open up to you and display her crazy part. The whole idea is that she should reach a comfort level with you wherein she doesn’t shy to show her crazy persona to you. When she comes to know that you are exactly what her unconventional personality is she will be very frank to you. It is at this point when the real bonding between both of you starts setting in.

Be positive
We as humans have this tendency to jump to conclusions. If the first attempt ends up failure we think we are failures. If subsequent attempts too end up like that, we become absolute convinced that we are wasting time because we are not capable of it. You start doubting your own capabilities and it reflects in your personality too. Many men who have failed at a few attempts in conversing with women that it is something terribly wrong in their own nature that is preventing them from being with women. They write themselves off. But remember that failures are the stepping stones to success. So cultivate an attitude wherein you believe that you have reached very close to success and will achieve your goal soon. Just try out this and I guarantee you that you will be pleasantly surprised at the results

Plan your strategy and practice it
If you are starting to converse with women, you should go over your plans and carefully rehearse before the actual D day. Plan every minute detail as to what you are going to talk and her possible reactions and your own responses to them. Take all your time in strategizing and rehearsing it. Also plan the tone of your voice and the body language you will show her. Hope for the best but also plan for worst scenario. This will give you confidence. So now the implementation will throw no surprises to you.

Source : Word of Mouth Experiment

5 Quick Dating Tips for Guys to Kino or Touch a Woman


Women relate touching to sex. By establishing physical contact, you’ll instantly create a dynamic where you’re displaying “lover characteristics”.

So it’s one of the first things you need to do when you initiate a conversation.

What I find interesting about kino is you can do it to literally “create attraction”. By frequently touching a woman, you’ll connect to the emotional side of her brain. However, there’s a danger when trying to kino. If you do it in a weird or awkward manner, you’ll actually kill any chance of attraction.

To do kino properly, you make it a natural part of your personality. Whenever you meet women, you need to have the high energy, fun vibe. Then when you’re touching, it’ll be a congruent extension of who you are.

To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, take a look at some of my favorite dating tips for guys to kino:

The Hug

Women love to be hugged. The problem is hugging can be creepy if it’s done in an incorrect manner.

The best way to establish this type of kino is to use it as a reward system. Whenever you agree with something a woman has said, pull her in for a quick hug, then push her away. You’ll find that she’ll start to do things to earn “more rewards”.

The High Five

The ‘High Five’ is an excellent way to show high status and energy. It works incredibly well in loud, fast passed environments like bars or clubs. I like to use this one where’s there’s a group of people and the conversation is going well.

The ‘Pound’ or “The Rock’

A variation of the ‘High Five’ is ‘The Pound’ or ‘The Rock’. Again, this is another high energy technique. Whenever you agree with something a woman says, make a fist and have her bump it. Most people are familiar with this type of technique and it will bump right back.

The Hip Bump

‘The Hip Bump’ is another fun way to establish a deeper connection with a woman. I like to do this when I have to break a conversation with a woman. When I come back in, I do a hip bump and then continue the discussion.

The Handshake

The Handshake works well in a more professional atmosphere. This is the traditional way that people establish a pattern of touching. Whereas the previous types of kino work in energetic environments, the handshake is good for times when you can’t afford to look like an over-energetic basket case. I like to combine this technique with the following…

Touching on the Shoulder

You should be regularly touching as part of a conversation. Whenever you agree with something a woman says, touch her lightly on the shoulder. If you combine this with the handshake, it’s an excellent way to give kino in a more professional manner.

Establishing kino is a way to connect to the physical side of woman’s brain. It’s a great way to physically escalate during a conversation and move things towards sex.

Source : Underground Attraction

Top 10 Dating Tips for Guys To Attract Any Woman


When most guys set out to impress a woman they do all the wrong things. Here are 10 dating tips for guys that can set yourself apart from the 39 other lame ones she’s met, and I guarantee that she’s both impressed and intrigued by you.

No.10 in our dating tips for guys list - Be original.

I don’t know many women who haven't been taken out to dinner at least 100 times. So, be original and, when you get together, do fun things that she doesn’t get to do with anyone else. Take her on a bike ride or to the park to play Frisbee or to a tiny Italian cafe that has a fascinating story behind it. Sneak up to the top floor of the highest building in the city or take her to a playground and go on the swings. It’s doing fun things like this that will get her addicted to you -- fast.

No.9 - Stay in control

Women like a man with a plan; when you call her up, don’t make her “work” by having to make any decisions. Let her know exactly what time you are picking her up, where you are taking her and what she should wear. When you get to wherever you are going, decide what you are going to do there, and where and how you are going to do it. Let her sit back and relax while you take care of the details. And later, show her where your bedroom is -- and for god's sake, take her clothes off for her. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.

No.8 - Be chivalrous

Being chivalrous is a powerful way to let a woman know that you’re the man and she’s in good hands. Open doors for her and pull out her chair. When you’re walking down the street, make sure you always walk on the outside of the curb, and tell her why you’re doing it. Put your hand on the small of her back when walking into a restaurant or across the street. You’ll be surprised at just how much this turns her on.

No.7 - Be cool

Don’t be the type of guy that sweats the small stuff… like an unreturned phone call. Simply pretend you were too busy to even notice that she forgot to call you back. She’ll probably assume you were busy with other women -- which is always a good thing.

No.6 - Be mysterious

Too many guys make the mistake of throwing their entire lives on the table when they meet a woman they are interested in. So, be different and hold some things back -- especially those that people might consider impressive. People are much more impressed by the accomplishments of others when they “discover” them rather than being told about them. For instance, if she asks you what you drive and you happen to drive a nice car, tell her you ride a motor scooter. When she finds out the truth, she’ll be impressed not only with your vehicle, but also your sense of humor and modesty.

No.5 - Have a life

The one thing that all men who are really successful with women have in common is that they all have great lives of their own, and they don’t need a woman in their lives to be happy. Women find this extremely attractive. It’s easy for a woman to land a guy that “needs” her, but when she meets a guy that has a successful and happy life already, she’ll do whatever she can to convince him that she should be a part of it. So, find some things that you are passionate about, whether it be hobbies, sports or business pursuits, and make them your main priorities instead of her. Keep yourself active and well-rounded -- and let her be the one to try to chase you down. She’ll love you for it.

No.4 - Be unpredictable

The single biggest mistake men make with women is being predictable. You’d think women would appreciate it if they knew exactly when you were going to call and what you were going to do when you got together, but in reality it kills the two biggest things women long for in a relationship: excitement and anticipation. So don’t always call exactly when you say you will. Invite her over to take her out to dinner, and take her straight to the bedroom instead. Invite her over to get physical, and instead take her out to dinner. Are you beginning to get the picture? Keep her guessing and you’ll have no problem keeping her around.

No.3 - Make her earn it

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying that states that “people don’t value what they don’t have to work for.” Well, the same holds true for women and dating. If you’re putting in all of the effort in the relationship, she won’t value you or appreciate your time. So make sure she’s calling you as much if not more often then you’re calling her. Have her come over to your house and pick you up every once in a while, and ask her to help you out with small favors here and there. The more work she puts into the relationship, the more she’ll value it -- and the more she’ll want to get out of it (and that includes sex).

No.2 - Make a move

After she’s proved herself to you, it’s time to be a man and make a move. Women don’t respect a man who doesn’t have the guts to go for that first kiss -- or anything else -- so don’t let her down. Making a move will make her feel sexy and attractive, and it will show her that you are the type of confident, powerful man she is looking for.

No.1 in our dating tips for guys list - Be casual

The last thing a woman wants is a guy who starts calling her 10 times a day after they’ve had a fun night out. If you start acting like you’re ready for marriage after the first date -- or even the fifth -- you might as well have the words “I’m desperate!” tattooed across your forehead. Instead, keep things cool. Don’t rush into anything, and let her be the one to take things to the next level. She’ll respect you more and you’ll have a far better chance of ending up in the great relationship you are looking for.

Source : AskMen.com

Dating Tips for Guys: The Sensuous 'Bedroom Eyes'


A great deal of sexual tension can achieve a number of things; it can heighten a woman’s responsiveness and lets her know that you are a primal being and not hesitant about expressing that. And even more significantly it is one powerful way of rationalizing quick escalation leading to intimacy.

So as PUA’s we need various styles and dating tips for guys to express overt sexual interest but also have an ‘escape hatch’ if she calls us out on it.

Let’s talk about a very widely used technique we utilize to convey sexual interest…’Bedroom Eyes:’Justify Full
One obvious benefit about sustained ‘bedroom eye’ contact is it’s certainly not gonna land you in the friendzone.

And I’m a strong advocate that you should go practice in front of a mirror or a good buddy. (Just try not to start kino-ing them;)

For me, ‘Bedroom Eyes’ feels something like this:

- My head is often cocked slightly to the side or back as if I’m examining her

- My head can be still but can also have slow sustained movement

- The lids of my eyes are easy and relaxed, not wide eyed

- I’m not afraid to hold her gaze just slightly longer than what is ’socially acceptable’

- I drink in her eyes and relish the moments when she breaks the eye contact first

- My subtext is: “You have me intrigued…if I like you enough, I will give you the best sex you’ve ever had…maybe…”


Even after you get really good at doing this you will almost always get called out on it by her, particularly if you are with her for an extended period of time.

Here is a very effective counter i created to deal with her when she does:

*What’s below should all be playful, and you should really get her to do it*

Her: “You keep looking at me with this sexy stare.”
You: “What are you talking about?”
Her: “Yeah, you keep looking at me…I don’t know…”
You: “Ok, since I have no idea what you’re talking about, can you show me what I am supposedly doing?”
Her: “I’m not sure if I can imitate it.”
You: “Come onnnn, show me;) Let’s see this look you SAY I’m giving you.”

*she imitates*

You: “Oh my God. That might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Is that I how I look to you when I’m doing it? Wow. You should keep on doing that!”

She will laugh, but the laugh is not the real payoff. You have now started a game with her that you will continue throughout the interaction, periodically getting her to show you the ‘look’ again…

The trick is now you’ve got HER giving YOU bedroom eye contact too which accomplishes 3 things:

1. You’ve got yourselves a fun little game you can always go back to.

2. This kind of play amplifies the sexual chemistry.

3. Her imitating the face actually reinforces in her mind that she really is interested in you.



About the Author

Julian Foxx is considered to be the fastest Rising Star in the pickup artist and dating community. His jaw dropping effectiveness with women is matched only by his ability to innovate powerful new techniques, giving their user a ridiculously unfair advantage. To discover cutting edge dating tips for men and read his thoughts on David DeAngelo check out http://www.julianfoxx.com

Source : Approved Articles